Business Tax Consulting

You want to start a business and are writing a business plan to acquire the financial backing you need to launch.
Tax Wizards East can help you. They can use accounting software to add financial projections and other reports to your business plan. You can take this information to the bank. Hiring a professional from the start gives you the benefit of having their financial knowledge and advice right from the start. This could save you time and money over hiring one later.
Your business is in transition and you want to grow your bottom line.
Tax Wizards East can provide valuable insights to help you manage the process of growth. They can help determine areas of growth looking at cash flow patterns, inventory management, business financing and pricing. Help prevent an audit, and if you are audited, walk you through the process. They can also work with you to create a budget to help you meet your business goals.
You are getting a divorce
What are the tax implications? Tax implications in a divorce may be the last thing on your mind, but how you draw up your divorce agreement could make a big difference when it comes to your tax refund. You may not be able to file a joint return, but if certain conditions are met, you may be able to file as head of household. How do you fill out your W-4 now that you are divorced? What about alimony and child support? These all affect your gross income. Another hot topic to figure out is who claims the children as dependents? You can’t both claim them.
You own a horse farm or work from home
How much can you write off and how do you make sure personal and business expenses are separate so they don’t raise IRS eyebrows?

Do you need to plan for the coming
tax year or how to grow your business?
Certified Public Accountants are a treasure chest of financial information, especially when it comes to taxes.
Tax Wizards East has more than 20 years’ experience and hundreds of satisfied clients.